Witam po długiej przerwie. Chciałbym namówić wszystkich zainteresowanych hipertekstem, ale także Internetem w ogóle oraz kształceniem na odległość do odwiedzenia stron projektu Open Course Ware MIT, gdzie znajduje się cała masa udostępnionych kursów. Właściwie są to materiały (rzadziej) i wskazówki do studiowania (częściej) wraz z wykazem literatury danego przedmiotu. Szczególnie interesujący wydał mi się kurs Technologies of Humanism . Znawcom hipertekstu i hipermediów materiały, a właściwie wskazówki do samodzielnych studiów mogą wydać się znajome, niemniej zapraszam- szczególnie internautów zaczynających dopiero przygodę z hipermediami. Za reklamę niech posłuży opis kursu:
"This course explores the properties of non-sequential, multi-linear, and interactive forms of narratives as they have evolved from print to digital media. Works covered in this course range from the Talmud, classics of non-linear novels, experimental literature, early sound and film experiments to recent multi-linear and interactive films and games. The study of the structural properties of narratives that experiment with digression, multiple points of view, disruptions of time, space, and of storyline is complemented by theoretical texts about authorship/readership, plot/story, properties of digital media and hypertext. Questions that will be addressed in this course include: How can we define ‘non-sequentiality/multi-linearity’, ‘interactivity’, ‘narrative’. To what extend are these aspects determined by the text, the reader, the digital format? What are the roles of the reader and the author? What kinds of narratives are especially suited for a non-linear/interactive format? Are there stories that can only be told in a digital format? What can we learn from early non-digital examples of non-linear and interactive story telling?"
Kolejny kurs, tematycznie zbliżony do poprzedniego to Technologies of Word. Podaję opis kursu zaczerpnięty ze strony:
"There has been much discussion in recent years, on this campus and elsewhere, about the death of the book. Digitization and various forms of electronic media, some critics say, are rendering the printed text as obsolete as the writing quill. In this subject we will examine the claims for and against the demise of the book, but we also supplement these arguments with an historical perspective they lack: we examine books and printing technology during the Early Modern period of European history, from roughly 1450 to 1800. We will begin with the theoretical and historical overviews of Walter Ong and Elizabeth Eisenstein, after which we will study specific cases such as the writings and readers of Erasmus and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, English chapbooks, and stage plays in print. Finally, we will reconsider the issues raised by digital technologies today in light of these historical perspectives."
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Open Course Ware MIT
Open Course Ware MIT
piątek, stycznia 30, 2004
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